be the reason someone smiles today!
$58.95 this board for real?! It's perfect for the "what should I get them" person or it'll look great on your counter for your next gathering of friends. Grab you favorite bottle of tequila, cut up the limes and salt those rims. And remember, tequila won't solve all your problems but it's worth a shot!
A free proof will typically be emailed to you within 48 hours (please be sure to check your "spam" folder). Once we receive your approval, your order will ship within 3 - 5 days. However, most items ship sooner. We know you’re excited to receive it!
We offer several shipping options - USPS First Class, USPS Priority Mail, UPS - and a tracking number once it has shipped.
Regarding returns, unfortunately due to the personalized nature of this item we are not able to accept returns. However, if something is not right, please contact us right away so we can figure out the best way to correct it.
We want you to be happy with your Beach City Gifts order! We're a husband/wife team that is passionate about creating unique, fun designs that make you smile! It's not work if you LOVE what you're doing! Keep Smilin'!
Collections: our best sellers, personalized bar accessories, personalized barware, personalized house warming + hostess gifts, personalized kitchen goods
Purchased as a Father’s Day gift. My dad loves it! Great quality, quick delivery…no complaints.
We're so happy your dad liked it! Thank you for choosing Beach City Gifts!
We got this as a Christmas gift, and we loved it. Its personalized and the thought behind it made it more special.
Will definitely be ordering from here for future thoughtful gifts! Thank you!
We're so glad you loved our Tequila Board! Thank you for sharing!
It was nice. Whatever I ordered it several weeks before Christmas and was told it would arrive before Christmas. It did not. It arrived two days late. If I would’ve known that I would’ve purchased a similar item from a different company. I wanna order again
Please accept our apologies for the late arrival! According to the information we had from the Post Office it was scheduled to arrive on 12/23. The ice cold storms ended up delaying packages, however it is still on us to get it to you on time. A discount code has been emailed to you in hopes that we can win your business back. Again, we are very sorry for the late Christmas present!!
Bought this shot board and had it customized May of 2021 and just forgot to leave a review. It is beautiful and I get so many compliments. Customer Service was top notch. I was contacted and given a proof of the custom work to make sure it was how I wanted it. After almost a year of weekly use, it still looks fantastic. Thank you so much!
You are so very welcome!! And glad to see it's being thoroughly enjoyed!! Cheers!
My son thought it was great, and liked his name on it too.
Hope it brings lots of fun!! Thank you again for your business!